​Callala Bay
​​​Community Association
Skate Park - roof over seating
Completed in winter 2018 the installation of a shade cover (at the request of local youth) over the grassed area near the skate park in Emmett Street.
This was a CBCA/SCC joint project, our thanks to Shoalhaven City Council for donating the shelter. Funds used for the concrete slab, renovating the picnic table and other hardware came from monies raised by the CBCA fund raising events- i.e. community money being used for community projects. The CBCA uses local business, our thanks go to Dale Gilders from DJG Concreting, Greg McMillan from G and T Roofing, Sharon and Ron (Callala Cafe) Tilly (Cake and Coffee) and Sandy (Remos Bakery) for the essential cups of coffee, special thanks to Jim Townsend, James Morris and Howard Duncan our CBCA Volunteers. Job Well done guys.
Users of the skate park have undertaken to keep the area free of rubbish and graffiti.
Adult supervision of younger users of the skate park by their parents/carers is encouranged and welcomed.